Stitched Stories embroidery kits are designed to give you a variety of stitch combinations and challenges. We aim to create designs you’ll love for both the stitching experience and for how they look finished and on display.
Here’s a close look at five Stitched Stories designs and what it’s like to embroider each of them.
Small Birds
Three richly textured birds are the focal point of Small Birds.
The background contrasts strongly (giving the birds even more emphasis) because it looks like a sketched scene of cedars and birdhouse.
You’ll fill the birds with curving chain stitches. The stitching booklet gives you guidance on establishing the first curve and filling in alongside that first line.
This is a design for year-round display and gifting to the bird watchers in your life.

Mushrooms embroidery kit gives you a ready-to-stitch forest scene that’s on trend. A passion for getting back to our earlier foraging selves has driven the popularity of this motif.
The shading on the large cluster of classic Amanita Muscaria mushrooms is achieved with blackwork-inspired patterns–something brand new to Stitched Stories designs.
Take a closer look to see how the geometric pattern filling the caps gets progressively more detailed in combination with colors darkening.
The smaller Liberty Caps on tall stems are filled with another geometric pattern and multiple colors. The underground root system has yet one more geometric pattern.
Fungi growing on a tree are filled with green straight-stitched bursts and textured French knots. A fiddlehead fern is best rendered with fly and split stitches.

Tree of Life
Tree of Life has become the most popular kit in our shop in 2023. The theme and the tree-of-life motif along with the fun variety of stitch combinations have made this a project stitchers want to work.
In Tree of Life, leaves are transformed to circles. You fill the circles with honeycombs and bursts, repeating patterns and grids.

While the previous designs are representations of the natural world, Jacobean is simply decorative. It’s inspired by the stylized florals of 17th century crewel work and isn’t connected to themed meaning.
The mandala styling means you’ll stitch each cluster four times. This repetition makes for a relaxing and mindful stitching experience. Within each cluster you’ll combine satin-stitch fills along with layered grids.
The satin-stitched areas of the pattern are printed with suggested stitch-lines. This ensures you’ve got precise and regular repetitions.
The overlapping grids are new to our designs and oh-so-fun to render. Changing line direction and color then anchoring overlapping lines with small stitches results in a richly layered piece.
In strong contrast to these filled florals are the gold scrolling vines that weave around each cluster. You’ll stitch the vines with textured chain stitching.

Snowy Pines
Snowy Pines is the first Stitched Stories kit that has you stitching people in action. Several small figures are bundled in winter coats and scarves, and they skate across the Snowy Pines rink. Above them are skiers in a chairlift.
The stitching guide and the printed pattern show you exactly which direction to add satin stitching in order to evoke the sense of figures in motion.
It’s a detailed design that gives you a variety of stitching details in addition to these figures. There’s an oversized ice skate, signeage, stitched text, and lazy-daisy pine trees.

Are you ready to try out one of these stitching experiences?
Which of the stitch combinations I’ve just described have already called to you? And which will you put into your project bag? Click here to shop our embroidery kits and printed patterns now!
Love is in the air...
Stitch one of our love-themed scenes or add charming heart-filled motifs to your Valentine's Day gifts and decor with one of our Valentine-themed products in the Stitched Stories shop!